Gathering for worship
9:00 a.m. Holy Communion
Second Sunday of each month: Children's sermon
Third Sunday of each month - Healing Service
Worship is much more than our proper response to God. Worship is God's gift to us. God calls us into worship because worship shapes our imagination and our desire; what we worship, we yearn toward and hope to share in.
If we worship the Kardashians, we learn to want fame, wealth and good looks. If we worship a football star, we become eager for winning and conquest.
But when we worship God, we taste for a moment or an hour the joy of heaven, the company of God, the fullness of forgiveness and the transforming power of love.
Come and worship!
You can find prayers for many occasions and a set of family devotions in the online Book of Common Prayer.
Some people find that the prayers in New Zealand Book of Common Prayer speak to them in new ways.
A handy daily office is available through the Mission of Saint Clare, which also offers a variety of other forms of prayer.
Sermons online - sometimes you can't make it to church on Sunday. These may offer you a moment of reflection and prayer.
Sermons preached at St. Paul's - new sermons will appear here as they are uploaded
You may need an audio player to listen to them - check for players that work in your browser, or feel free to download and listen at a later time.