Our ministries
At St. Paul's we believe in the ministry of all the baptized. Our members share their love of neighbor in many individual ways and settings. In addition our parish participates in:
Feeding Feldhan, a monthly meal on the last Sunday of the month at the subsidized housing unit in Durant. In addition to providing the meal, we join the residents for a time of hospitality. This ministry is joint with Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, who provide meals alternate months.
Let's Do it! A spare change ministry which currently contributes to an Chicago school with many students facing challenges
The Wilton food pantry, providing food to families and individuals
The Clothing closet, providing low cost clothing to individuals
Meals on Wheels: members drive to deliver meals
Advent and Lenten Luncheons, an ecumenical effort of the Wilton-Durant Ministerial Association. At these luncheons, worship is followed by a fellowship meal and the free will offering supports the HELP fund, a WDMA fund for discretionary needs in the community.
Within the parish, members serve in many ways: vestry, lay readers, eucharistic ministers, eucharistic visitors, and many occasional needs met by volunteers.
If you are interested in sharing in any of these ministries please contact the church or Mother Alice.